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How To Manage Ticks And Fleas?

How To Manage Ticks And Fleas?

If you have pets in the house, you’re probably no stranger to fleas and ticks. They’re irritating, tough to eliminate, and pretty unhygienic—overall, not something to allow to fester in your home or your pet’s fur.

It’s prevalent to get fleas in the summer, considering they flourish in heated and damp conditions. If the fleas and ticks manage to infest your home, it takes a long while and more than one pest treatment stint to eliminate them. Here’s a list of ways to deter the insects and to get rid of them if they do manage to infest the house:


  • fleas and tick medication for pets:

Treat your pets with safe, tropical or flea medicine daily. It is the best way to prevent them from catching bugs. It’s also helpful to bathe the animals with vet-prescribed washes– whether or not they do have insects hiding in their fur, to be on the safe side. It is an extra caution that will reduce the chances of bringing a flea or tick home.


  • rid your yard of pests:

Construct the yard to be pest-proof and preferably repulsive to bugs. Maintain the yard and use pest and critter prevention methods. Mow the grass to a small length and keep the plants and shrubs to a low height to eradicate insect hide-outs. Please pay attention to keeping plants and shrubs away from the house itself, especially the entrances. It would help if you also sealed any holes and gaps, cutting out any bugs methods to enter the house. Seal up openings that lead to small tunnels, cellars, beneath floors, the roof, etc. It would be best if you make arrangements to stop small animals such as racoons or possums from taking up residence in your residence since they will most likely bring bugs along with them. You should also keep the garbage apart from the house and place the pet food inside the building. As an additional and final precaution, you could also spray your yard with pesticides or use a garden treatment to ensure that fleas and ticks don’t trespass your territory.


  • clean the house regularly:

I didn’t expect this one, did you? The thing is, cleanliness is vital for a good quality of life. The dirtier the place is, the more bugs and infestations it will attract. The most basic method for reducing the chances of fleas or ticks is to clean your house regularly. Adult fleas tend to lay the eggs in carpets, rugs, mats, or in your furniture or any cracks or crevice they can find. Daily vacuuming will suck those eggs out and prevent them from growing into full-grown adult fleas. It would be best to clean your pets’ beds or areas of the house where they usually stay.


  • use organic insect remedies:

You could opt for a natural flea treatment to cleanse your animals’ fur. Mix a cup of distilled vinegar with a measure of water, with a few choice drops of any essential oil – such as mint essential oil– into a bottle with a spray head. Sprinkle the solution straight to your pet’s fur coat while being careful of the face, eyes, and interiors of the ears. It would help if you also sprayed it on surfaces that your pet tends to lie or play on, such as pallets, furniture, bedclothes, toys, etc.

Another method suggests mixing a gallon of white vinegar, half a gallon of water, two measures of lemon juice with a cup of witch hazel into a large bottle. It is more convenient to use a spray bottle for this purpose. After cleansing your dwelling thoroughly, sprinkle the solution into the carpetings, furniture, the pets’ bed sheets, nearby windows, baseboards, and any cracks or crevices that fleas may decide to conceal themselves in. Apply the mixture for two or three days consecutively to get rid of a moderate infestation, an extended period for a heavy infestation, and weekly to prevent a flea infestation.

Citronella is another popular solution to a flea or tick infestation. It’s also a mosquito repellent. Make it part of your house-cleaning routine by moping the floor with a blend of twenty drops of citronella, ten drops of tea tree oil, ten droplets of lemongrass oil, five dashes of geranium oil, and a gallon of lukewarm water.


  • call the exterminator:

Some cases can be too extreme for natural methods to work. In that situation, it’s best to call in a professional; pest control service to help you deal with your problem. They will help you eradicate bugs not only inside the building but around it and in the yard as well. A licensed exterminator shall thoroughly inspect the house and its surrounding area for infestation. Regular extermination, either monthly or quarterly, would reduce the chances of flea or tick infestations.

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